Bank Board Self-Assessments
Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, and laws affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered, or controlled. Corporate governance also includes the relationships among the many stakeholders involved and the goals for which the corporation is governed.
The purpose of this bank board self-assessment is to gather perceptions from board members on specific governance topics in an effort to meet regulatory standards for measuring board performance, compliance, and efficiency. To see a free sample of the board assessment or to implement the Tweed-Weber-Danks Bank Board Self-Assessment with your bank board members, contact Sharon Danks at [email protected] or 1-800-999-6615. We're happy to help. |
Through an easy-to-access online survey process, board members will be asked to rate their levels of agreement with specific statements in the following four categories:
How the board operates structurally
How the board operates behaviorally
How the board performs its duties
How well the board member operates individually
Completing the assessment online will take about 15 minutes. Once completed, board members simply submit their assessments and the data goes directly to Tweed-Weber-Danks, Inc. for analysis. A user-friendly summary report will then be prepared and submitted to the bank. |